Just after the end of the First World War, a new creature appeared on the streets of cities around the
world. Her hair was short, as were her skirts. She smoked, wore lipstick, and went out dancing without a
chaperone. No one knew what to make of her. To some, she was dangerous; to others, exciting. She was
the flapper, garçonne, neue Frau, moga, modeng xiaojie, kallege ladki, la pelona: all terms for what we
will call the “Modern Girl.” This course examines the so-called Modern Girl of the 1920's and 1930's,
considering how she reflected—and helped to create—a new modern lifestyle. The Modern Girl was both
a fictional creation and a flesh-and-blood creature. We will investigate “her” in her many manifestations,
from fiction, film, and advertisements, to the sound of her heels clicking on actual city streets. This course
will concentrate on the Modern Girl in Europe and the United States, but will also consider examples
from Asia and Africa.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:988:260.