The writing tutor can:

  • Help you to brainstorm ideas for papers and presentations.
  • Help you to polish the rough ideas you already have.
  • Help you to organize outlines and papers.
  • Help you refine a draft.
  • Help you create a strong historical argument.
  • Help to demystify the ways that historians talk about history.
  • Help you turn in the best paper you possibly can.


To give you the best help we can, we ask that you provide the following:

  • A copy of your assignment sheet.
  • Any brainstorm diagrams, rough work, or writing you have completed for the project.


Nawel Kahouaji is a PhD Student in History.


In-Person Appointments:

101D Van Dyck Hall

Email Nawel Kahouaji This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.for an in-person or Zoom appointment.


Writing Center Hours:

Monday: 10am-12pm (in person)
Tuesday: 10am-2:00pm (in person)
Wednesday: 8:00-12:00pm (zoom) 
Thursday: 10:00am-3pm (zoom) 
Friday: no hours 


Helpful Links and Documents


1. Brainstorming and Generating Ideas 2. Verbs in Writing Assignments 3. The Blank Page
4. Final Checklist for Writing Essays 5. Writing a Thesis and Making an Argument 6. Organization
7. Commas 8. Passive and Active Voice 9. Paraphrases and Quotes
10. Source Identification 11. How to Read a Primary Source 12. How to Read a Secondary Source
13. Bibliographic Forms 14. Quoting Smoothly 15. Statement on Plagiarism