
Events Calendar

Elizabeth Miller Talk: Down and Out

Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 04:30pm - 06:00pm

“Down and Out: Victorian Extraction Literature and the Resource Frontier”

Elizabeth Carolyn Miller
(University of California, Davis)

Tuesday, February 26, 2019
4:30 PM
Murray 302

Elizabeth Carolyn Miller is Professor of English at UC Davis. She is the author of Slow Print: Literary Radicalism and Late Victorian Print Culture (2013), which was named NAVSA Best Book of the Year and received Honorable Mention for the MSA Book Prize, and Framed: The New Woman Criminal in British Culture at the Fin de Siecle (2008). She recently guest-edited a special issue of Victorian Studies on the topic “Climate Change and Victorian Studies.”

Co-sponsored by the Department of English, the Nineteenth-Century Studies Group, the Rutgers British Studies Center, and the Center for European Studies


Flyer: Elizabeth_Miller_Down_and_Out_February_26_2019_RBSC_CES.pdf