
Events Calendar

David M. Hughes: Center for European Studies

Thursday, February 06, 2020, 11:00am - 12:30pm

The Rutgers Center for European Studies


“The Invention of Energy Scarcity:
Fossil Thinking Before and After Oil in Spain and Trinidad”


David M. Hughes

Anthropology, Rutgers University

Thursday, February 6, 2020

11:00 AM

Academic Building (AB) 6051

David M. Hughes, Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University, is author of, among many publications, the prize-winning Energy without Conscience: Oil, Cli-mate Change, and Complicity (Durham 2017); Whiteness in Zimbabwe: Race, Landscape, and the Problem of Belonging (NY 2010); and From Enslavement to En-vironmentalism: Politics on a Southern African Frontier (Seattle/Harare, 2006). Author of policy as well as academic papers, Hughes is a scholar-activist, seeking to promote social justice and sustainability at the edge of capitalism. Honored by visiting appointments at universities in the West Indies, Zimbabwe, and the Philip-pines, Hughes has served back home at Rutgers as both president and vice-president of the AAUP-AFT local.


Flyer: Hughes_David_CRE_February_6_2020.pdf