
Events Calendar

The Salon and the Senses Conference: CCA

From Thursday, March 04, 2021
To Friday, March 05, 2021

The Salon and the Senses in the Long Eighteenth Century

Interdisciplinary Perspectives

 An online conference, March 4–5, 2021, featuring:

*Eighteenth-century English theater workshop

*Keynote address by Dr. Melanie Conroy (University of Memphis): “On Networking: Enlightenment-Era French Salons”

*Concert by the Raritan Players exploring the salon of Elizabeth Graeme in 1760s–70s Philadelphia

*“How to Create a Pop-Up Salon”

*Presentations on the senses of sight, sound, smell, touch, and humor by Michael Bane, Callum Blackmore, Christopher Cartmill, Rebecca Cypess, MarjanneE. Goozé, Jennifer Jones, Lindsay Jones, Floris Meens, Iris Moon, Markus Rathey, Nicole Vilkner, and ÉrikaWicky

Visit their website for Full Program and Zoom link:

Convened by the “Experiencing the Salon” working group of the Center for Cultural Analysis, led by Rebecca Cypess and Jennifer Jones. Supported by the Departments of French and History of the School of Arts and Sciences, the Department of Music of the Mason Gross School of the Arts, and the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.


Flyer: Salon_and_the_Senses_CCA_March_4_and_5_2021.pdf