
Events Calendar

Public History Student Research Symposium

Thursday, April 22, 2021, 12:00pm - 01:30pm

Picturing "American Stories: Celebrating Jersey City"


A Student Research Symposium with the Zimmerli Art Museum 


April 22, 12:00-1:30pm

Via Zoom 

Open to the Public


This symposium will feature presentations by undergraduate students who have been engaged in researching art in the Zimmerli Art Museum’s recently acquired Jersey City Museum Collection. These presentations will explore the historical, cultural, and artistic contexts of works that foreground the perspectives and art of those traditionally underrepresented in museum spaces. Focusing on themes of gender, race, immigration, class, and labor, the students who are participating in the History Department’s Public History Internship program will contribute both research and interviews with selected artists to the ZAM’s forthcoming exhibition, American Stories: Celebrating Jersey City.  

Register here.  The Zoom link will be emailed to registrants before the event. 

Hosted by the Zimmerli Art Museum and Rutgers History Department’s Public History Program



Flyer: Student_Research_Symposium_Pulbic_History_Program_April_22_2021.pdf