Events Calendar
Suzy Kim: Among Women across Worlds Book Launch
Thursday, March 09, 2023, 04:00pm - 05:30pm
Among Women Across Worlds: North Korea in the Global Cold War (2023), Suzy Kim
Book Launch
Welcome of positions: asia critique Journal to Rutgers
Thursday, 9 March 2023, 4:00 – 5:30 PM
Room 6051, Academic Building-West
15 Seminary Pl, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Chie Ikeya (History, Rutgers-SAS; Institute for Research on Women)
Shaun Armstead (History, Rutgers-SAS)
Tani Barlow (History, Rice University)
Suzy Kim (Asian Languages and Cultures, Rutgers-SAS)
Ileana V. Nachescu (Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Rutgers-SAS)
Among Women across Worlds (Cornell, 2023) is an international history of North Korea in the global Cold War orbiting around women as key players. The book defies convention to offer a new genealogy of the global women’s movement that centers the “East.” Women of the Korean Democratic Women’s Union, as part of the global left women’s movement led by the Women’s International Democratic Federation, insisted family and domestic issues must be part of both national and international debates, highlighting how race, nationality, sex, and class connect to form systems of exploitation. Their intersectional program claimed that there is “no peace without justice,” that “the personal is the political,” and that “women’s rights are human rights” many decades before activists of the West, with whom such calls have been associated. The book is an archaeology of forgotten movements and ideas that became the foundations for those that have come to define the present era.