Events Calendar
Serhy Yekelchyk: Bonnie G. Smith Lecture in European History
Tuesday, November 07, 2023, 05:15pm - 06:30pm
Тhe Rutgers-New Brunswick Department of History, in co-sponsorship with the Rutgers Center for Historical Analysis, presents the Fall 2023 Bonnie G. Smith Lecture in European History:
The First Ukrainian Revolution, 1917–20
a lecture by
Serhy Yekelchyk
(University of Victoria)
Tuesday, November 7, at 5:15 PM
Academic Building, Room 6051 (West Wing)
Reception to follow. All are invited
Serhy Yekelchyk is Professor of History and Slavic Studies at the University of Victoria. Born and educated in Ukraine, he received a Ph.D. from the University of Alberta. He is the author of eight books on modern Ukrainian history and Russo-Ukrainian relations including the award-winning Stalin’s Citizens: Everyday Politics in the Wake of Total War (Oxford University Press, 2014). Yekelchyk is current president of the Canadian Association for Ukrainian Studies.
Abstract: Most Western accounts of the period 1917–20 consider the revolutionary turmoil in Ukraine a mere part of the “Russian” Revolution and the Russian Civil War. Ukrainian nationalists enter the scene briefly but are unable to influence the course of events. Yet, this interpretation is eerily similar to the Western misreading of present-day Ukraine that led to the predictions of a quick Russian victory. This talk will propose a different explanation of why the period 1917–20 can be called a Ukrainian Revolution. The success or failure of the various armies fighting in Ukraine will be connected to their position on the Ukrainian and peasant questions.
Flyer: Yekelchyk_Serhy_Bonnie_Smith_Lecture_November_7_2023.pdf