Established in 2018, the Global South Workshop brings together faculty and graduate and undergraduate students in the History Department and across the School of Arts and Sciences who are interested in the historical study of the non-Western world broadly construed. Through presentations, workshops, and invited guest speakers, the core objective of the group is to harness the expertise of Asianists, Latin Americanists, Africanists, and other specialists for the purpose of cross-temporal and regional scholarly reflection and intellectual communing. Past events have included talks such as “Connected Histories: Ethiopia and the Global Middle Ages” by Professor Samantha Kelly, cultural workshops such as “An Afternoon of Aztec Music” featuring the acclaimed Mexican musician Ricardo Gallardo organized by Professor Camilla Townsend, and invited guest presentations by scholars such as Professor Evelyn Hu-Dehart (Brown University) on the making of the early Pacific Chinese diaspora. For more information on the Global South Workshop, contact Professors Camilla Townsend and Johan Mathew.