My interests include American women's history, nineteenth century U.S. history, women's activism from c.1800-1980s;, women and work; the interplay of race and class with sex/gender, religion and reform; and feminisms in comparative perspective. In the early 2000s, I began rethinking the grand narrative of American women's political/activist history from Seneca Falls to suffrage and across the history of women’s rights and feminism. I have attempted to place these movements in a more global context and to incorporate the versions and visions of women's rights embraced by African Americans, workers, and immigrants. That effort built on my studies of women’s activism in Rochester, New York and Tampa, Florida, and has resulted in an edited collection, No Permanent Waves as well as the article “Feminist Frequencies: Regenerating the Wave Metaphor” in Feminist Studies. These themes also run through my 2018 monograph, Radical Friend, a biography of nineteenth-century activist Amy Kirby Post. A radical Quaker who engaged in interracial movements to abolish slavery, advance women’s and workers’ rights, protect Native (specifically Seneca) sovereignty, promote religious liberty, and improve health care. In 2020, I coedited a second edition of A Companion to American Women’s History with Anne Valk and co-authored the 4th edition of Exploring American Histories: A Survey with Sources with Steven Lawson, which will appear in 2021.
- 512:103 Development of U.S. I
- 512:380 Women in American History I
- 512:383 Women’s Rights in America
- 988:301/302 Comparative Feminisms
- 510:539 Colloquium in Women's and Gender History
- 510:549 Research Seminar in Women's and Gender History
- 510:560 Problems and Directed Readings in Women's and Gender History
- Co-author (with Steven F. Lawson), Exploring American Histories: A Survey with Sources, 4th ed (Bedford/Macmillan, 2021)
- Editor, Companion to American Women's History (Blackwell's Publishers, 2002) and Companion to American Women’s History, 2nd ed, with Anne M. Valk (Wiley, 2020)
- Radical Friend: Amy Kirby Post and Her Activist Worlds (University of North Carolina Press, 2018)
- Co-editor with Christopher Densmore, Carol Faulkner and Beverly Palmer, Lucretia Mott Speaks: The Essential Speeches and Sermons. (University of Illinois Press, 2017)
- Co-author (with Steven Lawson), Exploring American Histories: A Brief Survey with Sources (Bedford/St. Martin's, December 2012)
- Editor, No Permanent Waves: Recasting Histories of U.S. Feminism (Rutgers University Press, 2010)
- Editor, Companion to American Women's History (Blackwell's Publishers, 2002)
- Southern Discomfort: Women's Activism in Tampa, Florida, 1880s-1920s (University of Illinois Press, 2001)
- Co-author, Who Built America? Vol. 1 (Bedford/St. Martin's, 2000)
- “Rochester,” in Michael Roy, Frederick Douglass in Context (Cambridge University Press, 2021)
- “Feminist Frequencies: Regenerating the Wave Metaphor,” in Feminist Studies (Fall 2012): 658-680
- “’Seeking a Larger Liberty’: The U.S. Woman’s Rights Movement in Transatlantic Perspective,” in Kathryn Kish Sklar and James Brewer Stewart, eds., Woman’s Rights and Abolition in the Atlantic World (Yale University Press, 2007)
- “Economic Crises and Political Mobilization: Reshaping Cultures of Resistance in Tampa’s Communities of Color, 1929-1939,” in Sharon Harley, ed., Women’s Labor in the Global Economy: Speaking in Multiple Voices (Rutgers University Press, 2007
- “Luisa Capetillo: Feminist of the Working Class,” in Latina Legacies: Identity, Biography and Community, eds. Vicki Ruiz and Virginia Sanchez Korrol (Oxford Univ Press, 2005)
- "Re-rooting American Women's Activism: Global Perspectives on 1848," in Patricia Grimshaw, et al, eds., Woman's Rights as Human Rights (Palgrave, 2001)
- "The Emma Thread," in Nupur Chaudhuri and Eileen Boris, eds., Voices of Women Historians (Indiana University Press, 1999)
- James C. Bradford Prize in Biography for Radical Friend, Society for Historians of the Early American Republic, 2019
- Honorary Doctorate of Letters, State University of New York System, May 2010
- Roy S. Rosenzweig Award for Distinguished Service to the Profession, OAH, April 2016
- Pitt Professor of American History and Institutions, University of Cambridge, 2009-2010
- Fellow, Society of American Histories, 2007
- Julia Cherry Spruill Prize for SOUTHERN DISCOMFORT, Southern Association of Women Historians, 2002
- John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship. 2000-2001
- Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, 1996-97
- Director, Sawyer Seminar, “Women’s Grassroots Activism in Global Perspective,” Duke University, 1995-1996
- American Historical Association
- Berkshire Conference of Women Historians
- National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites
- Organization of American Historians
- Society of American Historians
- Southern Association of Women Historians
- Southern Historical Association
- Editorial Board, Rutgers University Press
- Editor, Feminist Studies
- Editor, Women in American History Series, University of Illinois Press
- Advisory Board, HistoryMatters: American History on the Web
- Advisory Board, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society