- 506:114 World Civilizations: Europe, Africa, the Americas
- 508:222 Modern Africa
- 508:322 West Africa
- 508:320 History of Southern Africa
- 508:422 African Cultural History
- 506:401, 402 seminar on African Biography and Autobiography
- 506:401, 402 seminar on African Cities
- 510:541 Colloquium in Global History: The Atlantic
- 510:509 The Teaching of History
- 510:551 Seminar in Global and Comparative History
- Community Leadership and the Transformation of Freetown, 1801-1976. (Mouton: 1978), co-author.
- The Spatial Factor in African History. The Relationship of the Social, Material, and Perceptual (Brill Academic Publishers, 2005); co-edited
- "Cities in Africa/Les villes en Afrique " (a special issue of the Canadian Journal of African Studies (editor; 2003).
- Completing a manuscript entitled Contested Places; Disputed Rules: Traders and Authorities in Northern Sierra Leone, 1780-1930.
- Currently researching a book that examines the social, cultural, and economic histories of Liverpool, Freetown, and Kingston from the 18th century to the present.
- Recently published articles and book chapters:
- "Nineteenth-Century Costal Slave Trading and the British Abolition Campaign in Sierra Leone," Slavery and Abolition 27:1 (2006).
- "Nodes, Networks, Landscapes, and Regions: Reading the Social History of Tropical Africa 1700s-1920," in The Spatial Factor in African History.
- "Re-Marking on the Past: Spatial Structures and Dynamics in the Sierra Leone-Guinea Plain, 1860s-1920s," in The Spatial Factor in African History.
- "Cities in Africa, Past and Present: Contestation, Transformation, Discourse." introduction to special issue Canadian Journal of African Studies, 37:3 (2003).
- "Contesting Commercial Space in Freetown, 1860-1930: Traders, Merchants, and Officials," Canadian Journal of African Studies; 37:3 (2003).
- "Mande Identity Formation in the Economic and Political Context of Northwestern Sierra Leone," Paideuma,46 (2000).
- "Mande and Fulbe Interaction in Northwestern Sierra Leone, Late 18th through Early 20th Centuries, Mande Studies 1:1 (1999).
- "Islam and Trade in Sierra Leone, 18th-20th Centuries" in A. Jalloh and D. E. Skinner, eds., Islam and Trade in Sierra Leone, Trenton: Africa World Press, 1997.
- "Pawning in Coastal Northwest Sierra Leone, 1870-1910" in T. Falola and P. E. Lovejoy, eds., Pawnship in Africa. Debt Bondage in Historical Perspective, Westview Press, 1994.
- African Studies Association
- Association of Concerned Africa Scholars
- World History Association
- American Historical Association
- Mande Studies Association
- Society of Economic Anthropology