My main area of research focuses on the social and cultural history of eighteenth-century France. I have written on fashion and commercial culture in Old Regime France and am currently working on a new book on gender, Enlightenment and urban sociability that focuses on Therese Levasseur, the mistress of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
- 510:101 Development of Europe I
- 510:102 Development of Europe II
- 510:232 Fashion and Design in Europe
- 510:333 France, Old Regime and Revolution
- 506:401/402 History seminars on topics ranging from the meaning of work in Early Modern Europe, to gender and society in European history, the history of clothing and fashion, and the Enlightenment
- Readings in Early Modern Europe
- Colloquium: Public and Private Spheres in Early Modern Europe; seventeenth
- and eighteenth-century England and France; eighteenth-century France
- PDR: Women's and Gender history
- Seminar: Women's and Gender History
- "Thérèse Levasseur's Improvised Life with Rousseau," in The Wives of Western Philosophy: Gender Politics in Intellectual Labor, eds. Jennifer Forestal and Menaka Philips (Routledge, 2021).
- “Gender and Eighteenth-Century Fashion,” in The Handbook of Fashion Studies (London, Bloomsbury, 2013).
- Sexing La Mode: Gender, Fashion and Commercial Culture in Old Regime France. (Oxford, UK: Berg, 2004)
- "Personals and Politics: Courting la citoyenne in Le Courier de L'Hymen," Yale French Studies (2002).
- "Grisettes and Coquettes: Women Buying and Selling in the Old Regime," in The Sex of Things: Gender and Consumption in Historical Perspective, ed. Victoria de Grazia (University of California Press, 1996).
- "Repackaging Rousseau: Femininity and Fashion in France," French Historical Studies (Fall 1994).
- AHA, Eighteenth-century Studies, French Historical Studies