CLICK pdf here (130 KB) for Curriculum Vitae.
Belinda Davis is author or co-editor of five books, including her forthcoming The Internal Life of Politics: Extraparliamentary Opposition in West Germany, 1962-1983 (CUP), and several dozen articles, on themes including popular politics and social movements; conceptions of democracy and how change takes place; gender; history of everyday life; oral history, memory, and emotion; urban history; transnational history; policing, violence, and terror; and consumption. Her graduate students have completed or are completing dissertations on topics ranging from Turkish “guestworkers” in West Germany, to identities in German-Polish and German-Czech borderlands, to sexualities in twentieth-century Germany and Hungary, to Holocaust survivors’ memory and resettlement, to “lived ideologies” (antifascism, socialism) in the postwar Germanies and Europe. She is currently co-editing the collection Voices of the Organized Poor: Learning from the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign’s Everyday Struggles for Survival and Alternative Futures; and working on a project concerning the meanings and implications of “the West,” progress, and other terms in the historiography of Europe.
- Laurie Marhoefer, University of Washington
- Jennifer Miller, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
- Carla MacDougall, Freie Universität Berlin
- Peter Polak-Springer, University of Qatar
- Jessica Anderson Hughes
- Anita Kurimay, Bryn Mawr College
- Svanur Pétursson, NJIT-Rutgers Newark
- Dustin Stalnaker, SUNY Alfred State College
- Danielle Willard-Kyle, University of Glasgow
- Alexander Petrusek, Arizona State University
- Brenna Yellin
- Clotilde Faas (Université de Neuchâtel)
- Jesse Siegel
- Adam Stone
- Theoren Hyland
- 510:102 Europe in the Global Age
- 506:299 History Workshop
- 510:327 Twentieth-Century Europe
- 510:363 History of Germany From 1871 to the Present
- 510:401/360:401 Idea of Europe
- 510:539 Colloquium in Gender, Politics, and Everyday Life
- 510:549/550 Research Seminar in Women's & Gender History
- 510:567 Colloquium in German and European History
- 510:599 Readings in Modern Europe
- 510:615/616 Research Seminar in European History
- The Internal Life of Politics: ‘Extraparliamentary’ Politics in West Germany, 1962-1983 (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, forthcoming)
- Rethinking Social Movements After ’68: Selves and Solidarities in West Germany and Beyond, ed., with Stephen Milder and Friederike Brühöfener (New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books, forthcoming 2022)
- Changing the World, Changing Oneself: Political Protest and Collective Identities in the 1960s/70s West Germany and U.S., ed., with W. Mausbach, M. Klimke, and C. MacDougall (New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2010, 2012)
- Alltag—Erfahrung—Eigensinn: Historisch-anthropologische Erkundungen, ed., with Thomas Lindenberger and Michael Wildt (Frankfurt a.M./New York: Campus, 2008)
- Home Fires Burning: Food, Politics, and Everyday Life in World War I Berlin (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2000).
Selected Recent Articles and Book Chapters
- “Time and Change in the West German Feminist Movement and Beyond: The Lessons of von Trotta’s Die bleierne Zeit,” in Die deutsche Neue Linke (1970 - 2000), eds. Martin Sabrow and Julia Hörath (Hamburg, forthcoming)
- “Afterward: The Legacy of Jean Quataert,” in Gender in Global Contexts: Labor, Law, and Human Rights, eds. Jennifer Evans and Shelley Rose
- “Radical Change Close to Home: Transforming the Self and Relations in West German Alternative Politics,” in Rethinking Social Movements After ‚68
- „Introduction: Rethinking Social Movements,“ with Stephen Milder and Friederike Brühöfener, in Rethinking Social Movements After ‚68
- "Democratic Processes, Revolutions, and Civil Resistance,” in Eugenio Biagini and Gary Gerstle, eds., The Cultural History of Democracy (NY: Bloomsbury Press; ms. in preparation)
- “Enttäuschung und die Emotionen des Gesetzes der Geschichte und der historische Verwandlung,” in Andreas Wirsching and Bernhard Gotto, eds., Hoffnung – Scheitern – Weiterleben (Munich forthcoming)
- “Redefining the Political: The Gender of Activism in Grassroots Movements of the 1960s-1980s,” in Donna Harsch, et al, eds., Gendering Post-1945 German History: Entanglements (NY: Berghahn, forthcoming)
- “’Going All the Way’ for the People? Traugott v. Jagow’s Changes in Thought and Action Concerning Governance in World War I Germany,” in Tomasz Pudlocki and Kamil Ruszała, eds., “Intellectuals and the First World War: a Central European Perspective,” (Krakow: Jagellionian University Press, 2018)
- “Europe is a Peaceful Woman, America is a War-Mongering Man? The 1980s Peace Movement in NATO-Allied Europe,” in Maria Bühner and Maren Möhring, eds., Europäische Geschlechtergeschichte in Quellen und Essays (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 2018), reprinted and slightly revised from Europa ist eine Frau, Themenportal Europäische Geschichte
- “A Brief Cosmogeny of the Green Party,” in “Creating Participatory Democracy: Green Politics in Germany since 1983,” Special issue of German Politics and Society (Winter 2015), 53-65
- Director, Rutgers Center for European Studies, 2018-2021
- Co-Organizer, Conference “Social Movements After 1968,” Center for European Studies, Rutgers University, November 2018
- Advisory Board, Center for Metropolitan Studies, Technische Universität Berlin, 2009-
- Editorial Board, American Historical Review, 2013-2016
- Associate Editor, Signs, 2005-2013
- North American Editor, Women’s History Review, 2004-2007
- Co-Investigator, Project “Das Fremde im Eigenen: Interkultureller Austausch und kollektive Identitäten in der Revolte der 1960er Jahre," Volkswagen Stiftung, 2002-2005
- European University Institute (Florence), Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowship, Spring 2015
- Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung (Potsdam), Residential Fellowship, Summer 2006
- Volkswagen Research Fellowship, AY 2005-6
- Shelby Cullom Davis Center, Princeton University, Research Fellowship, 2003-2004
- France Télévision 3,
- bundeszentrale für politische bildung mediathek,
- Massolit Lectures,